There are so many events, people, and occasions that deserve special consideration. September is National Baby Safety Month. This brings attention to the the important issue of educating parents and caregivers about keeping their babies safe through the early years of life. National Earth Day emphasizes the importance of environmental protection. National Teacher Appreciation week gives credit to the hard work that teachers put in during the year. There’s another important week coming up in October – National Fire Safety Week, from October 8-14!
Preventing Fires
When you use your fireplace, the last thing you want to think about is a chimney fire. But statistics show that this is something that every homeowner should be thinking about. Over the course of a year, over three thousand people die each year in a house fire. Although not all house fires are started by a dirty fireplace, this is responsible for some. Add to that full dryer vents, electrical fires, cooking fires, and other types of heating appliance fires. You can see that this is not a subject to make light of!
Although this is a serious topic, it’s a good one to think about. There are ways to prevent house fires. It’s important that you are aware of precautions you can take to make sure you aren’t caught unaware.
First, it’s extremely important to know what to do in case there is a fire in your home. Figure out the best exit paths, and then make sure that every person in the house knows how to get out – no matter what room they may be in. Practice this route periodically, and make sure you set a meeting place so you are sure everyone is safe!
Another thing you can do is to make sure that you have working fire and smoke detectors in place, and that the batteries are working. You should check the batteries once a month and change them at least once a year.
Keep Your Fireplace Clean
If you’re a fireplace owner, one thing you can do is make sure that your fireplace and chimney are kept clean. Do you use your fireplace a lot? If so, you can be sure that you have a certain amount of that highly flammable substance, creosote, lining the interior of your chimney. If you don’t call in a CSIA certified chimney inspector to take a look, you’re just asking for trouble! A certified professional like those at Chimney Doctors of Colorado will know exactly what to look for by way of repair or cleaning. By doing so, they will be able to clean and repair exactly what needs. This way, you can enjoy your fireplace knowing that you are keeping your family safe.
In the meantime, spread the word that National Fire Safety Week is October 8-14, and encourage everyone you know to take the proper fire safety precautions!