A fireplace adds such beauty and charm to your home. It can have you dreaming of cuddling up with your family on a cold winter’s night. But your dreams probably don’t include a rundown looking front, or bad odors emanating from the fireplace, or smoke rolling back into your face. These are just a few reasons that your fireplace might be in need of a face-lift. If you’re looking to spiff your fireplace up, look no further than Chimney Doctors of Colorado. They’ll know just what steps to take to give you a fireplace that looks and works great!

Give Your Fireplace a Facelift - Conifer CO - Chimney Doctors of ColoradoParts of the Fireplace

It’s important to know what you’re dealing with in terms of a fireplace face-lift, and part of that is knowing what the parts of the fireplace are. According to How Stuff Works, some of the major parts include:

  • The hearth. The part that extends out in front of your fireplace.
  • The surround. This protects the walls around the fireplace, and is often topped by a mantel.
  • The flue. This guides the gases up and out of your house through the chimney.
  • The firebox. This is where you build your fire.
  • The fireplace doors. These shut off the airflow when the fire is burning down or your fireplace isn’t in use.

When Things Break Down

These are some of the parts of your fireplace. In addition, these parts are some of the places where your fireplace can start to show wear and tear. When these parts break down, your fireplace may not only look bad, but may not be running efficiently, as well. Here are some of the things that may indicate that your fireplace is in need of renovation:

  • stained and cracked mortar
  • receding mortar
  • smoky, gritty walls
  • an outdated look

Updating Your Fireplace

When you enter a room, the fireplace is what your eyes are drawn to. If your fireplace is run down, it can affect the way you feel about the room. Consequently, it isn’t just the hearth or the surround that may need updating. The firebox and firebox doors can also cause a room to look out of date. RealEstateabc.com states that when people are looking for a new home, a fireplace can make or break their decision to buy. “Homebuyers will focus on your fireplace. Your fireplace could affect whether they make an offer on your home. Or not make an offer. Or offer less money. You might want to update your fireplace.”

Who Should You Call

Whether you’re looking for complete restoration, or just repair work to make your fireplace look more modern, call Chimney Doctors of Colorado. These professionals use the best products to clean your fireplace. They are also highly qualified to do any repair work that may be making your fireplace look less than desirable. Also, if it’s a complete redo you’re looking for, Chimney Doctors of Colorado technicians can offer you suggestions and tips to bring your fireplace back to life! Give them a call today at 303-­838-­3009.