There’s something about the four seasons that is wonderful. But a Colorado winter can be long and cold, and when that warm spring breeze starts to blow, it is a relief. Fix up your hearth and mantel to bring the feeling of spring inside.
Do Some Redecorating
Once you get your fireplace all cleaned out after a long winter, it’s time to turn it into a springtime showpiece. You can do this by bringing some of those early spring flowers or plant-life into the home. First, your mantel and the area above it. Look for something to hang above the mantel; a picture that highlights the colors of springtime in Colorado would be a nice touch, or, if you prefer, a picture that reflects some of the beauty of nature that only Colorado holds. If you’re not into paintings, a mirror can add another level of depth to the room. Finding a mirror with a frame that matches your room’s decor will make a beautiful addition to the room. After you’ve found the perfect piece for the wall, look to the mantel.
Spring Decoration Ideas
You can add color to the room by filling a vase with some of the flowers of springtime in Colorado and setting it on the mantel. Some great choices for a tall vase would be tulips or daffodils. Snapdragons or pansies can fill a lower vase and add a cheery touch to any room. If you don’t feel like changing out fresh flowers, go to your local hobby store and buy some silk flowers instead. If you’re not a flower person, candles can make a beautiful decorative statement, especially when lit in front of a mirror. Pictures of family members are a conversation piece as well.
As a final touch, since you won’t be using your hearth for a while, find something to put in front to fill that empty space. You can carry the plant theme by finding a large basket and filling it with more silk flowers! Tulips are a great option, but really, anything that makes you feel happy is a great option. Or if you’d rather, add a fireplace candle holder and some chunky candles. As well as being decorative, this can keep odors down during the summer months.
Call Chimney Doctors of Colorado
Before you let your imagination soar and get that fireplace decorated for spring, give Chimney Doctors of Colorado a call and have your chimney inspected and cleaned so that it’s ready for summer! We’ll have you fixed up and ready in no time!