Benefits of a Prefabricated Chimney

A fireplace is a real selling point to a home. In fact, for many people, it’s the deal-breaker. Luckily, there are many ways that you can add a fireplace to your home. You can go the traditional route and have a brick and mortar fireplace added. Keep in mind that...

Three Reasons to Have Your Dryer Vents Cleaned

Everyone knows what Chimney Doctors of Colorado does, right? It’s pretty clear from the name that we are experts in all things chimneys, whether that’s inspecting, cleaning, or any type of chimney repair jobs. We also offer a wide range of heating appliances and...

Springtime Chimney Issues

There’s no place like Colorado to enjoy these beautiful, warm spring days. After a cold, snowy winter, it feels so good to take a long walk in the warm sunshine, or to go on a hike and hear the birds singing a happy tune, just as happy as you are to be out in the...

Spring Hearth and Mantel Ideas

There’s something about the four seasons that is wonderful. But a Colorado winter can be long and cold, and when that warm spring breeze starts to blow, it is a relief. Fix up your hearth and mantel to bring the feeling of spring inside. Do Some Redecorating Once you...